When conversing with someone, older people often have trouble thinking of the words they need to express themselves and before they can come up with the words, someone else says something that changes the topic. We need to give older people time to find the words they need by "listening slower". A good listener will wait longer to question what is being said when ANYONE is talking! As I have said before, you need to listen with your ears and not your mouth. By doing so you may get the answers to your questions just by listening a little longer before speaking. A person who is able to listen in this way will often appear more intelligent than they really are. A problem with this is that the listener often thinks that what they have to say is very important and if they try to wait to ask their question they will forget what they wanted to ask - they may be old too :-) This brings to mind the story about the girl whose date had just told her that she spoke too slowly. She said: "If you think I talk too slowly, you should hear my sister. Why, the other night, before she could tell her date she was not that kind of a girl, she WAS that kind of a girl!
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