"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
Steven Weinberg (Nobel Laureate in Physics), quoted in The New York Times, April 20, 1999
There’s a worldwide loosely knit organization with many sub-groups, and factions, which don’t all, agree with each other. The things they disagree about are mostly inconsequential and unprovable ideas or rules that were made so long ago they have no meaning today, and yet they disagree so terribly with each other that their disagreements have caused many of the world’s deaths to date.
This organization, of course, is religion and what’s wrong with it is its inability to change or adapt when new knowledge comes to light. In other words, when someone discovers something new and even when he proves this new thing, if it goes against what religion teaches, religion has no mechanism or method to incorporate this new knowledge and so it is denied!
Just ask Galileo. He was forced by the Church to deny what he knew was true. I believe he even spent some time in jail! This is the classic example, of course. But, it’s still happening today. Creationism or “Intelligent Design” is not a science. It is a religious belief and is not based on fact but on ideas that must be accepted on faith alone. The theory of evolution is based on real evidence, good research, and many years of experience and is what should be taught.
When we are children we believe in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, etc. When we get older we learn the truth, but our “worldwide organization” will not permit learning the truth about and outgrowing the mysterious fables of the Bible. The Bible is mostly made up of stories that were written by people attempting to provide guidelines for mankind’s survival in the world. The priesthood of the “worldwide organization” has ruined this attempt by misinterpreting the intent of the Bible to be a rule book that must be interpreted literally and accepted on faith alone.
The Bible is so full of such wonderful ethical and moral rules to live by, but they are covered up with so much ancient mumbo-jumbo that the “worldwide organization” insists must be accepted on faith alone. What grown person can believe that there exists an all powerful and benevolent entity when they know beyond doubt there are thousands of tiny innocent babies all over the world suffering horrible pain and miserable death every day!
If you are so unfortunate as to live in a country where Church and State are not separated as much as they are in the United States, the penalty for not accepting the “mumbo-jumbo” is severe physical punishment, and even death.
This is why we should not ever let religion creep into our schools. Schools are for learning things that need not be accepted on faith alone! If anyone wants to do something religious in schools, instead, why not teach the reasons for learning all the good Christian ethics and morals the Bible teaches. A “course in morals and ethics” not a “prayer meeting”! Start with the Golden Rule. WHY do you think we should treat other people the way we would like to be treated? It’s because most people tend to treat other people the way those people treat them. After all, we learn by mimicking what we see others do. Therefore if we treat other people the way we would like to be treated, they will learn, and treat us the same way. This is the real reason for practicing the Golden Rule, not just because it’s in the Bible and the Bible says to practice it.
And don’t say we should pray for forgiveness for our sins. Society forgives our sins, not some mystical being that people wrote stories about two thousand years ago. If you can’t undo your sins then do something to pay society back for the sins you have committed. Help out some needy family or join Big Brothers or Big Sisters or join the Peace Corps or just do favors for people and never ask for anything in return. If you can’t do anything else, Send Money!
What we need is a new Church. The Church of What’s Happening Now! Not Yesterday!
I’m not perfect! My greatest flaw is that I’m one of the few thinking, reasoning people stupid enough to say what all the other thinking, reasoning people REALLY BELIEVE!!
I should never have taken the “hypocritic oath”. I can no longer abide by it!
Many people awash in the sea of society use religion as a life preserver. Some of them are not the kind of people who look for proofs or facts or reasons why things are so. They just decide that something sounds good so they say that is what they believe. They can’t (or don’t want to) separate the “mumbo-jumbo” from the good moral and ethical teachings in the Bible and so they swallow the whole pill of religion. People like this may be part of the reason I hesitate to voice my opinions on religion to everyone. If I convinced them they were wrong, it would sink their life preserver! But that’s only a small part of the reason I try not to broadcast my beliefs. The biggest reason I don’t is because many of the people to whom I broadcast them would immediately disagree with me and since they believe what they believe just because they decided to believe, there is absolutely no way to convince them they are wrong. I would be wasting my time even discussing any differences in beliefs
"Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
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