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Cryin' for the Dyin'

[this is good] Right on. When there is a difference between what one is and what they do they have to take predictable long measured steps. One thin strand of spagettini can cause them to pause--possibly feel--beyond self indulgance.


[this is good] Yeah Dad. I agree totally. :-)


[this is good] YOU should write to George Voinovich. He never listens to me cause I never voted for him. He just sends me insulting replies to my e-mails. He needs to hear from people like you.


[this is good] I like it your healthcare article,Dad!! you are so right! Alot of people would rather go on a "MISSION TRIP" to some far off country and "HELP" others... when really their rich families just want to brag about sending their kid to some place like zimbabwe and the kid


[this is good] I agree with you that preaching is not the ultimate solution of any problem. However your advise could lead someone to a healthy status. But I would say instead of preaching could we not involved in direct physical support for those who cannot afford money for their medication. We could be generous enoough if we have some to share even money to them. Of course it is difficult but not impossible.


Hello..I have said..in a high priced medical (mostly private) facility..'If they (we) want to make it..they will have to socialize'..staying away form the derogatory 'poltical use' nature of socialize..with respect to medicine and education there just aren't any other options I can see..Peace Tony

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