Religion says; "This is how it is and you can't argue with me because it's in the Bible.", while science says; "This is how it appears to be and I want you to help me prove or disprove it.". There's only a conflict when religion disagrees with what science has discovered. And even then science doesn't care what religion claims is true and won't argue with religion because religion is dogmatic and will not change their dogmatic beliefs even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
A true scientist will even help others to prove his/her own theory false. Scientists are after "evidence-based truth" and care nothing about "faith-based truth".
The only thing about this that bothers scientists is that religious people will not accept ideas that science has demonstrated to be true.
The BIG problem here is that science has advanced so far that many people don't even understand the demonstrations and I sometimes think they don't want to. This is understandable because for many generations well-meaning parents have taught their children that all the dogma of their particular religion is absolutely true and some of them have taught their children that the Bible is literally (whatever that means) true.
The only solution I can see to the problem is that religions, religious leaders, and religious people have to make a concerted effort to learn more science and scientists have to make a concerted effort to teach them more science. I sincerely hope the ideas for motivation don't ever turn to violence.
Science is not ignorant of religious beliefs but religious people are most certainly ignorant of science.
If a true scientist ever claims to believe dogma then I believe he/she is a hypocrite.
I know I used too many absolutes in the above, but I just had to get it all down without losing my thread of thought, so there may be exceptions to some of what I've said but I wanted to get it all out and I believe it is all basically true.
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