Homosexuality is something you are born with and not something you can change. It is exactly like being born black or being born white.
When we are born, our sexual preference is hard-wired into our brain exactly like the color of our skin is hard-wired into our body. Advising a homosexual to become straight is no different than advising a black person to become white!The Bible is right about many things, but it is also wrong about things that were not well understood in biblical times.
The Bible is wrong about the age of the earth, the shape of the earth, the creation of man, homosexuality, and many other things.
The Bible, when properly interpreted is a wonderful source of information concerning good morals and good ethics but it cannot be interpreted literally because it is too old.
Homosexuality must be accepted because it IS and nothing can change it. Just like the earth being a sphere must be accepted because it IS.
Though I understand and appreciate your sentiments, it doesn't really matter why gay people are gay. They deserve equal rights regardless and they don't need to justify why they're gay to anyone. People are not born any particular religion; they choose their religion, if any, and our constitution protects that right. Thus, the right to sexual preference should be the same, regardless of its root. One's sexual preference doesn't infringe upon the right of others to do differently, just as believing in one religion or denomination doesn't prevent others from believing in another or not believe at all.The idea of homosexuality as a sexual preference, a complete sexual orientation was not understand or even classified until the late 19th century into the early 20th century. Before that time, it was simply viewed as one of many sexual tastes, or fetishes. So, you're right that the Bible writers had to real understanding of it.It's also good to remember that what we know as "the Bible" today wasn't even compiled until several hundred years after the death of Christ. A group of clerics got together and chose among the many sacred texts then in existence. Naturally they chose the ones that agreed most closely with their own theological views and rejected many, many other sacred texts that did not. We must also consider that NO original manuscripts of the books of the Bible still exist and probably did not at the time the Bible was complied. They worked from copies of copies of copies, which all had to be hand copied in those days, so mistakes and unintentional alterations crept in, as well as deliberate difference of opinion in how to translate certain passages. Add to that all the copying and translating that went on from then until the present day, and one can see the margin of error and the dangers of taking the Bible literally at face value.
Posted by: Libertine | 03/19/2009 at 02:18 PM
Well said and thank you for your comments. I agree with all of your comments except that I believe it does really matter why gay people are gay. They do deserve equal rights and they shouldn't need to justify why they are gay to anyone, but everyone needs to know why they are gay. For instance, if gay people want to have marriage or something very much like it the government needs to know why gay people are gay or they may never allow such a thing to happen.Being gayis not a choice or preference it is something over which you have no control.
Posted by: PappawJack | 03/19/2009 at 03:48 PM
[this is good] This is a great blog! I'm glad I found it!
Posted by: Patricia Volonakis Davis | 03/19/2009 at 03:55 PM
[this is good]
Homosexuality is
something you are born withand not something you can change. It is
exactly like being born black or being born white.
yessss - it's so simple, yet so many people have such issues with this concept!! - and i do agree, while it may not matter a whit to me why people are gay, in practical matters, it does matter, if only to the people who make laws and are in a position to change them! - and this is what will bring about equality that everyone is entitled to!
Posted by: paikea | 03/19/2009 at 08:47 PM
[this is good] I was reading the comments and I agree that you shouldn't have to know why people are gay they just are or just choose and I do think some people do choose and some people have no choice it simply seems the RIGHT thing to do. But regardless I think anything that strays from what most people know as "Normal"-- they are scared of, they want to understand.,or they just think it is wrong.
Posted by: tracy | 03/20/2009 at 11:39 PM
I think people are misinterpreting my article. It IS important to know WHY people are gay. WHY people are gay, is because of their DNA. We are born with our sexual preference hardwired into our genes and chromosomes and it is never all one way or the other. Just like skin color, there are all different shades between black and white. There all degrees of sexual preference between gay and straight. Some affected people fight it and somehelp it along and this is the very reason why there is a widespread belief that gay people could easily decide not to be gay. This belief is is just plain wrong. A gay person trying to live life as a straight person is totally miserable. There's no CHOOSE to it!
Posted by: PappawJack | 03/21/2009 at 12:39 AM
[this is good] I understand what you are saying and I agree with the DNA stuff, but there are some people who are different-- they are happy with both,....(bisexuals) so is their DNA half and half.?...and some people just like the shock value of doing things...so I believe there are more than one kind of people, who are gay. Also I agree with you... knowing WHY does help, most people accept things better if they know WHY! :O) actuallly they didn't post all of what I said before so that is why it didn't sound right. whatever..............
Posted by: tracy | 03/21/2009 at 03:30 PM
Right, bisexuals are in that narrow band right in the middle between gay and straight. They can't decide which they are but they still can't choose one or the other and make themselves that because their sexual preference is still hardwired right in the middle.
Posted by: PappawJack | 03/21/2009 at 03:49 PM
[this is good] Well, Dad, you know I agree with you totally. :-) But there are people who, were the exact genetic markers for homosexuality found (and I think they are likely too entangled with other characteristics to find one gene or one set of genes), there might be people who would quickly switch from "pro life" to "pro choice" side of the abortion issue.I believe there would be a lot less mental illness of all kinds if people kept their minds and their morals focused on their own lives.Thanks Paw!
Posted by: Duck | 03/25/2009 at 11:41 AM