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[this is good] I think the pope is nuts on a lot of veiw points. And I agree with you Dad that people should be allowed to die when they are ready....for example Aunt Em...she is 97 years old and is tired she has no one left she's losing all her teeth can hardly eat and get around by herself and does not want to be a burden to Julie and the kids and Pete. everytime I see her she tells me she is ready to die and hugs me like it's the last time I'll see her.She has started to lose bladder control and it's embarassing, I do not want to live like that and be a burden to my kids and I know how she feels,shes lived a good long life and she is tired. We put dogs to sleep why do we have to let humans live longer than they want to or should,and have tolose their dignity in the process..............I could go on forever about things I don't agree with the pope on...
love you Dad


[this is good] wow! - interesting topic!hmmm - my first thought was that i actually agree with Pope BXVI - Horrors! (for me at least) - i shudder to think what an immortality pill would mean for global sustainability of life - on a more existential as well as a societal level, i don't think we, as humans, are ready for immortality - however, somewhere in the future of our race (if we're still here), if we ever develop space travel (a la Star Trek) and become space explorers, i do think an immortality pill would be practical - if only to send ourselves on decades-long voyages to truly explore and colonize, if it comes to thatummm - yeah - if it seems i may have gone off into la-la land, please know that i write sci-fi and fantasy:) - i'm always thinking a bit "out there"p.s. actually, i'd rather have an immortality pill to give to my dogs or my cat (only if they were healthy) - i would have given anything to have my Scruffy or Shitty Kitty here with me still...

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