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Hey Dad I finally read your blog!
While I don't agree with everything, I think it makes sense and I understand that you need proof! But it is to sad and scary for me to think that there is not a higher being out there looking over us.Which to me is, God and I pray and have faith that there is a heaven and I believe that good people will go there ,but I believe that God is a loving God who will give people like you a chance to believe in him when you die. I don't feel you should force your beliefs on others but show by example how you want to be treated ,as some say "Do what Jesus would do" I don't believe everything in the bible especially not literally, they are stories and analogies to get points across and stories long ago meant different things then they do now.
I have heard you say if there is a God then why to babies die and why are people murdered.....well I believe that God gave us free will and people are human and don't always make the right decisions we make mistakes. If everything was good and there was no bad we'd have no gage to judge what is good and bad....sad and happy? we have choices.
Faith and Hope are important and I need them.When I was a kid I remember believing in Santa Claus and I loved that ,it was magical. Well I hope that I am right and there is a loving God looking over us and that everything will make sense someday.But maybe I will be disappointed like I was when I found out there was no Santa Claus but I HOPE not!
I also read about communication and I totally agree with you that being a good listener is the most important thing and you can get your points across without yelling or raising your voice ,way to many people do that.And those people who can bring themsleves down to anothers level and help them without making that person feelunimportant or worthless have a gift and I feel that is what we are here for to learn as much as we can and help each other regardless what religion,color etc we are :O)
Love you Dad

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